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We wish to bring the worlds of medicine and technology together, starting at the base level. Tel Aviv University students from various faculties, schools, and centers will assemble multidisciplinary teams to achieve this. These teams, composed of students from Medicine, Engineering, Computer Science, Neuroscience, and Bioinformatics, will face challenges the Israeli health system imposes.



#1 MIT, AIon labs & sanara ventures

The winning team members will fly to compete with their product at MIT's Grand Medicine Hackathon in April 2023. They will also receive an AION Labs and Sanara Ventures accelerator package, ensuring mentoring and tools for developing their winning idea into a fully-fledged startup.

Leumit-WeCcelerate complete escorting through the idea development process.  The team will receive 10 meetings with experts and mentors to develop their idea into a startup.



Direct acceptance to the JumpTAU accelerator program at Tel Aviv University’s entrepreneurship center

#3 JumpTAU

the taumedtech hackathon


We believe the future of medicine is in the mingling and combined work of medical workers, researches, scientists and engineers. This work will push medicine forward to new limits and novel solutions. TAU Medtech Hackathon is an event aiming to do just that by creating solutions to medical problems as yet unsolved. This is manifested throughout the event by the teams participating, the mentors and judges assisting, and the organizing team.

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Who Can Paricipate?

Registration is open to any student of Tel Aviv University belonging to the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Engineering, Sagol School of Neuroscience, School of Computer Science, and the Safra Center for Bioinformatics. Whether you are studying for your bachelor's, master's, Ph.D., or MD, we are looking for the brightest minds Tel Aviv University has to offer.

Why should I participate?

TAU MedTech Hackathon is an opportunity to discover new avenues and open new possibilities. The event is an opportunity to connect with our mentors, judges, and other supporting staff, who are all leaders in their fields of medicine, engineering, coding, and entrepreneurship. Our Mentors come from the best companies and health organizations in Israel and worldwide, such as AWS, Google, Startup Nation Central, Philips, Teva, and more.

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How is registration handled?

The challenges will be open to view once registration begins. Students will be able to sign up either individually or in multidisciplinary groups of up to 6. During registration, students may rank up to 2 challenges they would like to participate in. Once registration ends, the TAU Medtech Hackathon team will team up the students that signed up without full teams into teams of 5-6 students. Attempts will be made to team up students with regards to their challenge preferences, with their first choice in mind. Should no suitable team be available, the students will be contacted regarding a change of challenge. Further details about the registration process will be published soon.

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What makes TAU MedTech Hackathon special?

TAU MedTech Hackathon combines many organizations and companies from the health, biotech, and med-tech fields on a scale not seen before in Israeli universities, bringing together the elite the Israeli medical and technological scenes have to offer. We are backed by all the Israeli HMOs, Israel's leading hospitals, and some of the world's best companies. All mentors and judges come from leading companies and organizations in Israel and worldwide.

What tools will I have to develop my idea at the hackathon?

We at TAU MedTech Hackathon want every team to produce its very best. This is why we gathered comprehensive materials to help you develop your solution during the competition and afterward.  Before the competition begins, an introductory event will detail the challenges. Every team will receive extensive guidance and preparation regarding the challenge they will attempt to solve. There will also be a webinar, thanks to Biodesign and Medint companies, where they will explain how to develop a solution from scratch. Mentors from different technological and medical fields will assist the teams during the competition. There will also be a special data center that every team can freely consult.

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© 2022-2024 Synergy Innovate
(Formerly TAU MedTech)
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